The Internet was always meant to be free, I mean, apart from the common infrastructure costs, the Internet was and is still free. This fad is soon catching up in the area of software, with everyone wanting a slice of free-to-use software, available on the Internet.

SkyCar 3D Desktop Toy

Created by Moller International, the M400 Skycar aircraft is a four-person Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicle (VTOL) currently undergoing initial flight-testing. The million dollar price tag is a bit rich for most of us so we suggest you try our YummyWorks desktop version!

The M400 Skycar is a 3D interactive desktop toy that you fly on your desktop.

* Full scale replica of the actual model
* 360 degree explore mode
* Operable doors, landing gear, folding wings and engines
* Will hover and fly on your desktop

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