The Internet was always meant to be free, I mean, apart from the common infrastructure costs, the Internet was and is still free. This fad is soon catching up in the area of software, with everyone wanting a slice of free-to-use software, available on the Internet.

ParentalControl Bar


The ParentalControl Bar is a free public service that helps concerned parents prevent their children from accessing adult-oriented Web sites. Complete our simple, three-step installation process below and start controling your family's online activity.

Parental control filters have a reputation for charging a lot and giving back very little in return. Sometimes, they literally don't give enough back, and have been known to block completely clean sites.

ParentalControl Bar isn't perfect--like its cousins, it blocks some sites that shouldn't be obstructed, and occasionally allows sites that should be blocked. However, the price is right--it costs nothing. Not only does it not extort parents for its services, it allows parents to approve sites both on the fly and via a "Blocked history" list.

The app is small, just over 1MB. The toolbar interface allows parents one-click switching from Parent to Child mode by clicking a button, which changes from red to green. To switch back--or to use any of its nonblocking functions or view a blocked site--a password is required.

Despite claims to the contrary, the program doesn't support Firefox 2, although it does work fine on Internet Explorer 7. For parents looking for a cost-effective tool to help give their children a bit of controlled freedom on the Internet, ParentalControl Bar is a safe way to go.

Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

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