The Internet was always meant to be free, I mean, apart from the common infrastructure costs, the Internet was and is still free. This fad is soon catching up in the area of software, with everyone wanting a slice of free-to-use software, available on the Internet.

Mario Forever 4

Mario Forever is a very good remake of the venerable classic game -- Super Mario. Once again you strap on your wrench and hardhat and guide the chubby plumber through many skillfully made levels. The diversity of the levels is very impressive. You will have to get through levels ranging from underwater caverns to levels filled with hot lava. Version 4 includes many updates, enhancements, and bug fixes. In new version you´ll find a level editor and new hidden map in save selector area. Mario Worker as level editor.

Graphics layers in world 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and save room fixed. I´ve fixed Collision checking for enemies in Human Labolatory World. New hidden map in save game room The Lost Map. Collision checking for Kuppa Troopa shell have been changed a little. A space key (skip level) from stage 7-4 have been removed. Non-material blocks in stage 1-1 have been fixed.

Note: This download includes the Mario Forever toolbar. The toolbar can easily be uninstalled without affecting the game.


Unknown said...

Warning: Any software that forces you to install a "toolbar" should be considered dangerous. Uninstalling the toolbar after the fact is too late. The toolbar software makers and their affiliates could have already installed further spyware. What's more they would claim that you allowed this by consenting to the EULA of the Mario Forever software. A more appropriate approach is like CCleaner or DivX: they ASK for your approval via a checkbox during install of the main product.

DeL said...

actually i have tried it myself, and during my term of examination it's had good qualification, means it's bugs and virus free.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with your review - It was honest and informative. Nevertheless 2 points remain:

1. By forcing the toolbar they can at any time decide to add spyware or allow their affiliates to add spyware.

2. Forcing adware is not the responsible thing to do. Allowing the user a choice is.

It's not my blog, but I'd never endorse a product that takes power away from your audience. Free does not always mean freedom, but choice is always good.

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